Friday, October 14, 2022

First Snow

First Snow surprised me this morning.   Neighbor Doug had said he'd seen some flakes early yesterday.  This First Snow is above and beyond the usual noticing those first few flakes that land on your coat - and it's still snowing!  Listened to the weatherman again: "There might be some flakes to the north of us." he said.  (I have to switch to another forecaster.)  Went outside w/ the dog.  This is Whip's third winter so she just took off pushing her nose through the accumulated snow.  It was I that was surprised.  Don't remember ever seeing the tamarack tree in the back yard looking like a Christmas tree.  Usually by the time there is this much snow, tamaracks have already dropped their needles.  Tamaracks haven't yet even turned yellow.  Just like ordering Christmas cards and getting 2022 calendars in August, I had also contacted the plow guy to make sure he would be plowing my place again this season.  He won't be coming out for this snow - it won't last - but nice to know when looking down a snow covered driveway that I'm ready.



Anonymous said...

Your meadow looks like a cotton field! :-)

Brent said...

Very pretty! Your cold front is pushing all the way down here into TX this coming week. Highs only in the 60's for a few days. Will have to get out a long sleeved shirt.