Saturday, October 15, 2022

Autumn Color

As expected, the First Snow was gone by the evening.  Late in the afternoon though  graupel started falling.  This morning it began to snow again.  Weather never lets things get dull in the Northwoods.  I've already done the things that needed to get done before it froze but some tasks I'd left only partially done.  Like cleaning out bird houses.  I'd done that at the end of August but one house had a chick furiously chirping in it so I'd left it and another had a beautifully crafted nest w/ 3 eggs.  I knew the eggs were abandoned but hope springs eternal.  Today I cleaned out both houses.  I'd brought in all of the plants I wanted to overwinter already - except - the begonias in Brother Phil's old army boots and the mums.  I composted both today.  Kept the boots since Phil says army issued boots should last multiple years being stuffed w/ dirt.  All of the outside knick-knacks are tucked away in Sleipnir except for the three metal rabbits atop the sewer concrete slabs.  They stay out in the winter 'cause I use them to tell snow depth ... you know ... up to the paws, up to the head, just the ears peaking out.    When I first got them I OCD'd by facing each one in the exact same direction.  Today I weighted them down in an attempt to just keep them upright in gale force winds.  I'd moved the deck furniture together earlier but I left the benches by Ragnarok pushed in so it's easier to mow around them.  I moved them back to their usual location.  Once the ground is snow covered it's document burning time.

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