Sunday, August 28, 2022


The nightly news talked about the new Artemis missions to the moon.  "Appropriate naming." I thought.  Then the newscaster went on to say "Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo."  I rolled my eyes.  "Even a goddess has to put up w/ being referred to as her brother's sister?   No mention that Artemis is the prominent lunar deity in Greek mythology?"  Of course, someone from NASA probably wrote the blurb and passed it out to all of the news outlets.  They want people to know how clever they were in connecting the name of these new missions to the moon w/ the past Apollo moon missions of the 60/70's.  Still, Artemis should get more respect.  She was one of the Olympians - twelve of the most powerful gods/goddesses who had a seat at the Council Hall on Olympus.  Her seat there was of pure silver w/ a wolf skin to sit on.  The back shaped like two date palms, one on each side of a new-moon boat.   She was also the goddess of hunting.  Her emblem was that of a she-bear - the most dangerous of all wild animals in Greece.   Impressive.

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