Monday, June 13, 2022

Trumpeter Swan


Now that Spring has 'sprung' I'm looking for signs that Summer is coming soon.  I'm still bringing the bird feeders in at night to foil the raiding racoons.  While I was doing that little chore tonight I noticed some sparks of light - fireflies!  A sure sign of summer is the meadow lit up w. them.  The early little violets and pussytoes in the lawn have stopped blooming.  Now I have bold colored orange hawkweed sprouting up along w/ ox-eyed daisies in the tall grass.  If I was going to sit for awhile in the house yesterday and today I grabbed a sweater since it was a bit cool.  Tomorrow temps are forecast to be in the 90's and humid.   The Northwoods doesn't hit those kind of temps until late summer.  It's already smelling a bit like a catbox outside.  Building humidity, heat, and all of that manure spread on the fields is a fairly potent mix.  Hope there is a wind tomorrow - and it's blowing from the right direction.

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