Monday, June 06, 2022

Pagoda Dogwood (maybe)

 When the warm weather hit this spring it seemed all of the trees burst into bloom.  Those trees have lost their petals now.  However, some trees took their time and are blooming now.  The pin cherries flowered early but the black and chokecherries w/ their destinctive long drooping racemes of white flowers and beautiful scent have just started.  The round white flower clusters on the nannyberry shrubs are out.  Nannyberrys get pretty tall but I'd be hardpressed to call them a tree.  On the walk this afternoon I noticed more round clusters of flowers but these were on a tree.  The flowers are white also but each one is a bit bigger than those on a nannyberry.  Fortunately, I was familiar with these trees - they were hawthorns.  Saw more trees floweering at the edge of the woods.  These tree didn't have the shape of a hawthorn - it looked like it was putting out branches in a tiered fashion.  Wow - could be pagoda dogwoods.  Took some pics and checked out the leaves when I got home w/ my books.  Leaves are a match.  Will have to conduct a few more checks before I'm certain but this find could be my first "new" thing to put on my list for 2022.  It never fails.  Even though I grew up here and have now retired here, every year I find a number of flora and fauna I've never noticed before.

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