Thursday, June 16, 2022

Overwintered Geraniums

 Had to go to Churchville anyway today so stopped off at the Social Security Office to sign up for Social Security.  The Feds had sent me a notice in March reminding me to sign up since I'm turning 70 this year.  When I stopped in April the office said I couldn't sign up more than 3 months in advance.   When I stopped in today the agent said people aren't allowed to sign up for Social Security in person at their office.  I could either make an appointment for a 'call-interview' where their office would call, get the info they needed over the phone, and enter it on the computer system for me. However the first appointment available was at the end of July.  I explained that when I'd tried to sign up on-line for Medicare some years ago, the program claimed it couldn't verify I was the real Susan Mayer.   At that time I'd gone to this office and they signed me up  right there.   The agent reiterated that she couldn't sign me up for Social Security.  Side note:When I walked in there was no one waiting and no one came in while I was in the office.  The agent did say she'd give me a temp password since I hadn't accessed my account in years.   She had difficulty even doing that and her supervisor came over to help.   Turned out my P.O. Box address was giving the program grief.  I remained silent.  Have found it's best not to say anything like "What kind of idiotic computer system are you using that can't handle a simple post office box mailing address!!" when you need a public employee to do something.  The supervisor rectified the issue and gave me a printout w/ lots of wording around the two things I wanted - the website and the temp password.  Once home I signed on and figured out how to navigate the MySSA site.  It wasn't all that obvious plus the questions went on for page after page.  Someone who didn't use a computer much would have been stressed out by the end.  Anyway,  in a few months my SS check will start depositing directly into my checking account.  Hopefully.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Working with the soc sec office is a pain. Their office is not close and wait times are terrible. Evelyn had a hard time getting anything done on line with them either.