Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Apple Blossoms

A beautiful start to June in the Northwoods.  The wild winds of yesterday had quieted.  They had blown the hummer feeders back and forth so I had to refill them all this morning.  Saw a doe in the meadow.  Deer like to have their fawns in the vicinity of the house since the carnivores in the area tend to stay away.  Plus the paths give the fawns an easier place to learn to walk, run, and follow mom.  Whip ran out after her and the doe waited before darted off toward the woods.  Yes, she probably had hidden a fawn nearby.  I've got the shock collar on Whip so called her back and used the 'vibrate' mode.  It's been working great.  I whistle and hit the remote.  Whip hears the sound plus feels the vibration in the collar and returns immediately.  So far this year I haven't had to up the mode to 'shock'.  The real test will come when she finally finds a fawn.

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