Thursday, June 23, 2022

30 seconds of Fireflies in the Meadow

I'm not sure what finally clicked in my mind.  It might have been as obvious as a friend warning me that she had come in contact w/ someone w/ Covid.   It might have been as subtle as my senator (who has openly worked against people taking the vaccine) in the news again for his part in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.  I should get a Covid booster shot.  I'd planned on waiting until the Fall and getting it and annual flu shot together.  However, getting it before people planned to visit was better than in the Fall when no one visits (most people just aren't into snow and freezing temps).  Called up the clinic and they said if I could get there in a half hour I could have a shot today.  Perfect!  This afternoon I'm not feeling quite as perky as I was in the a.m.  Think that's more to do w/ the dodgy sandwich I picked up  on the way out of town than w/ the shot though. 

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