Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Red Maple buds opening up


The Friends of the Library were thinking up ideas of what to do w/ unsellable books.  My idea of holding a book burning and if you wanted to 'save' a book you had to buy it for 25 cents had been rejected as "sending the wrong message for the library."  Some people did think though that they would pay 25 cents to have their old text books burned.  Monday night was a get together to  do some projects using damaged books - projects that might earn some money for the library.  Three tables were set up.  One table had a square template and box cutters.  The people there would, following the template hollowing out the book so it could house a clock face and mechanism.  Cute idea but following lines has never been my forte.  The next table was set up to cut up colorful children's books and sewing together the sheets.  I think it made a picture frame but not sure how it worked.  Didn't matter - sewing is an enigma to me.  That left the last table where we would be making book bones out of resin.  What could be more fun than mixing chemicals?   We mixed equal amounts from bottle A and bottle B.  Stir carefully for 6 minutes.  Add coloring, glitter, clay chips, etc, pour into molds, and wait for the final product to harden.  In between times, we told tales of horrible art teachers from our pasts.  For a couple of worry-free hours we were back in kindergarten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading the blog today about your book burning idea almost made me spit out my coffee. Thanks for the chuckle!