Saturday, April 23, 2022

Doug and Max

Last week the weather forecast was for one delightfully warm day this week.  Each day this week has been cold and windy and our one warm day would be moved out to the next day.  Finally our golden day arrived but w/ the caveat that there would be intermittent rain storms.   All day, right after I got outside to do something, it would start raining.  I washed sheets and hung them out on the line.  Had to bring them in before they were entirely dry when radar showed a storm approaching.  Finished the sheets off in the machine.  Got a call from my neighbor Doug.  He hadn't seen Jormungandr yet and could he come over and take a look?  Sure.  I hadn't had it out since that first short outing so Doug and I drove out onto the trails.   Sure enough.  We were still in sight of the house when it started raining again.  So we just went around Gorgeous Gorge and came back home.  A little after Doug got back to his place he called.   "Come and see our new dog." he said.  I jumped into the car to meet Max - the Dearhamer's new Great Pyrenees mix dog.  We took him out for a short walk and, you guessed it, the moment we were outside it started raining again.  Max is around four years old and very laid back.   Like Whip, Max was found as a stray in Texas and shipped up North to the shelters here where he had a better chance of being adopted.  Pretty sure Max will find northern living more to his liking - even on rainy days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice picture of Doug and Max.
Maybe Whip and Max can have a play date.
