Tuesday, February 08, 2022

What cats wish for

 Got a call from the leader of the town's Planning Commission late this afternoon.  He was wondering if there was a need for the group to meet tonight.  I reminded him of the e-mail I'd sent over a week ago that I'd added three new sections to the Zoning Ordinance, changed the Citation Ordinance, and that we needed to pick two different days to meet later in the year since they fell on Election days.  We met at the town hall and everyone OK'd the new changes.  I was thinking this whole process seemed a bit cavalier for such an important step (though a stupid step) for the town.  That's when one of the group said that there are other towns in the county that aren't under county zoning.  "Why didn't we just copy their ordinance and change the names?" I asked.    Did a quick internet search during the meeting and realized these other counties didn't have a zoning ordinance (or any ordinances) at all.  Shore lands, septic systems, and rules concerning state/county roads were the only laws those towns could enforce.   Otherwise anything goes.  I understand now why the leader of the group doesn't seem concerned about whether we have this initial zoning ordinance complete and correct.  We are leaps and bounds ahead of many other places.

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