Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Laying the Apron

The windows were open and I was enjoying the smells of spring - think it's a mix of nannyberry, chokecherry, raspberry, and  blackberry blossoms.  Not overpowering - just a faintly sweet scent on the breeze.  Then Whip started barking.  The concrete guys (who I thought were all done) were back.    We went out to greet them and they said they were here to pour the apron.   I checked the building proposal from TRH Concrete.  Yes, there it was - 'four foot apron'.  Guess I should have read parts of the proposal closer!  Since Mike the Builder and I had never talked about an apron I texted him.  He called back and said an apron would keep the shed cleaner and access easier.  I looked out to where the concrete forms were being installed.  Looked like there would still be plenty of room for the snow plow guy to stay clear of them.  A concrete slab by the doors was a good idea.   By the time the dog and I  got back from our morning walk, all the excitement was over.  The cement truck had come and gone and one guy was smoothing out his apron. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

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