Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Sunrise - February 17


It's been one day since my second COVID shot and I feel fine.   However, Mr. Dearhamer was told when he got his shot that side effects may not show up until the second day.  
As for my sunrise pictures.  I can't really get the village water tower in the sunrise pictures anymore.  The sun has moved too far to the east.  It's closing in on my brother Russell's jackpines so will try to have pictures that include those trees for reference.  My other issue is I was walking out the door for the morning constitutional w/ Whip when I saw the sun already peaking over the horizon.  I went back inside (which confused Whip), took a picture from the back door, and then a happy and grateful Whip and I went back out for our constitutional.    Means if I want to continue taking sunrise pictures from the same site, I'm going to have to start getting up earlier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting your Covid shots! :-)
IN has lowered their age requirement to 50+ so I finally have an appointment for March 18. WooHoo!