Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Black-capped Chickadee

Whip enjoys our walks and trots off on her own often.  I don't mind as long as she doesn't go too far afield.  It helps that we don't take the same route so she has to keep an eye on me to see which way I pick.  This morning she turned to take the route into the swamp but I went the opposite direction toward the old truck route through the woods.  When Whip caught up w/ me again she was proudly carrying a deer leg.  As I picked my way up through the woods, she would run ahead and then lay down for a chew.  I'd catch up and she would repeat - run, chew - run, chew.  Once home, I grabbed the fetid thing from her and tossed it over the fence into her run.   As I've said, I think it's good for a dog's teeth to be able to gnaw bone and fur but I'm not a fan of dead animal parts on the front lawn.  Whip raced through the foyer, garage, and into her run to reclaim her prize.  I shut the door to the foyer.  Didn't want a repeat of finding carcass bits hidden in the folds of her bed.  

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