Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sunrise - November 21

Forecast is for a snowstorm.  It was due yesterday.  Then it was to arrive overnight.  By 9 a.m. this morning it still hadn't started snowing.   We have a couple of inches of snow on the ground already.  Because it hasn't fallen much below zero the snow doesn't have a crust and w/ deer grouping up and packing down trails, walking through the fields hasn't been difficult.   Sooner or later though a storm will deliver enough snow to put an end to long walks until spring thaw.  So Whip and I took off for the loop through the swamp today.   Don't know if I've ever been able to walk it in January.  It wasn't til our afternoon jaunt that I started to see the first snowflakes of the impending storm.  Since the forecast was so far off on when the storm would hit, I don't know how much credence I should give to the forecast that it will only dump an inch or two.

5 days to go.

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