Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Another reason the bird feeders are empty

I and the cats watched while the mice finally figured out how to get onto the bird feeders today.  It was pretty awesome but not as impressive as how they got down after getting some seeds.  They would just fall to the ground.  That's quite the drop but they were falling onto grass and snow so I suppose that soften the landing.  Of course, I don't put out seeds for the vermin.  I have mouse poison pellets that won't harm cats or dogs if eaten. (Got them when the little monsters chewed through my air conditioning wires outside.  The maintenance guy suggested just laying a big pipe behind the air conditioning unit and put some pellets in it every fall.)   However, I don't know what effect the poison might have on the kestrel that stops by the bird feeders daily to see what he can catch.  It's a bit of a quandary.   Probably nothing a google scan can't figure out. 

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