Friday, November 20, 2020

Whip taking a cold drink


When we had the really cold weather last week, Whip discovered ice.  She went down the bank to get a drink from Gorgeous Gorge only it wasn't as 'lappable' as usual.  She walked out onto the ice.  She seemed to be wondering where the water went but thought it was pretty neat to be able to walk where she hadn't been able before.  Her nails are strong enough to get a purchase on the soft ice so no falling or sliding.  We haven't walked that way for a couple of days and in between the temps have warmed.  Today we were again down at the pond so Whip figured she would run out on the ice again - only this time it gave away immediately and she fell through.  She jumped back out but then walked forward again.  The water was back!  Might as well get a drink while she was here.

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