Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Sunrise pillar

Worked a long day at the polls today but just a little after 10 we had counted all of the ballots - both absentee and today's votes - and called them into the County Clerk's office.  Among my duties were to push the button on the voting machine, paperwork during the day, curbside voting,  and new registrations.  We were all surprised at just how many new registrations there were.  There are a few things you should consider when registering to vote:  (1)  If the last person you voted for was Ronald Reagan (as one man put it) you aren't still on the poll list and will need to reregister.  (2)  If you have moved into a new area,  you need to bring in something from a utility, bank, school, or government agency w/ your new name and address on it.  A promotional card from Menards isn't on the approved list of ID documents.  (3)  There were weekly fliers in my mailbox all summer explaining how to register and/or get an absentee ballot.  If you are going to wait to register until the day of a hotly contested presidential race it isn't really the poll worker's fault when the process takes longer than you want.

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