Monday, November 02, 2020

Ground Pine clubmoss

Day before the election.  We had some difficulty finding people to work this one but by the time we set up last week we had all the poll workers we felt we needed.     The Chief Inspector called this morning and said one of our poll workers for tomorrow has tested positive for Covid.  We discussed how to get a replacement and made a plan.  Then the Chief Inspector said the Covid positive volunteer still wanted to vote so it was a good time to quickly review how curbside voting would work.  This afternoon I stopped by to talk to our clerk.    She said of the total number of possible voters in our municipality, 1/3 had voted absentee.  That will cut down on the number of people voting in-person.  I drove over to Subway to pick up a spicy Italian wrap and bottle of water.  On the way out of town I stopped at McD's for a latte.  Once  home the latte, water, and sandwich went into the refrigerator.  That should be enough sustenance to get me through tomorrow.  Only hope I find time to eat it.

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