Thursday, November 05, 2020

Soil Tester

My neighbor Blake had said he'd asked a soil tester to check the soil in my fields and to not be surprised if I saw someone out there this week.  I let Blake take the hay off of my fields and he's trying to get the clover to come back after it was all killed off in a particularly harsh winter a few years ago.  It was a warm day so I hung out clothes on the line.  The dog came out w/ me to nose around.  When she started barking, I looked out over the fields and saw a coyote  slinking back toward the corn field.  Whip is earning her keep.  Later we took a walk and I may have found the missing top to the green rain barrel.  I think it's upside down just below the surface of the water in Gorgeous Gorge.   I'll give some thought on how to retrieve it safely before freezing weather returns.

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