Friday, October 09, 2020

Milkweed Bugs (nymphs)

I hadn't made lasagna in a long while so got out my recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook Mom gave me.  It called for a 9x13 pan so got that out, measured out enough noodles for the three layers.  The recipe called for a pound of hamburger and a half pound of veal.  I'm not into eating baby calf so looked in the refrigerator for a substitute.  Cut up a bunch of little mushrooms and added them into the hamburger and onions after they had browned.  Had 15 oz of tomato sauce but the recipe called for more.  Cut up the last tomatoes I had and added them in w/ some herbs to taste.  I should have two cartons of cottage cheese for the next layer.  Not a big cottage cheese fan either.  Had one carton of ricotta cheese and added to it two eggs and left over alfredo sauce (figured it's white too).  The cheese layer called for mozzarella but I knew from past experience that the best cheese in lasagna is muenster.  I slabbed up what I did have on-hand but it was only enough for two layers.  Not a problem.  Covered the top w/ the a bit of Swiss and cheddar cheese I hadn't used up.  Turned out to be the second best lasagna I've ever had.  I can never replicate that recipe exactly but it was great for cleaning out leftovers.

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