Thursday, October 08, 2020

A little autumn color in the swamp

Took the car to Collegetown for it's 30,000 mile checkup.  I had been warned before that it would take 2 hours and the service agent said it would be 2 1/2 hours so they could also fix something recalled.   Still I decided to wait in the waiting area.  There were maybe seven of us there.  Two hours had passed and I was falling asleep in the corner when the same agent came out and asked "Susan?"  I got up and went to her counter.  She said the recall had been accomplished and asked that I sign a paper to that affect.  She quickly went over a paper that said the car had been checked over and it was in good shape.  She passed some keys over to me.  "Those aren't my keys."  I said.  "They aren't?" she replied.  "I carry mine on a carabiner."  I told her.  I picked up the paper and looked at the top.  It said "Susan Pope".  Not me.  I walked back to the waiting room.  "Susan?"  I said.  Two women looked up at me.  I was surprised.  Susan is no longer a common name.  "Susan Pope?"  One lady got up.  "Your car is ready."  I said and then added.  "I signed for everything already."   A man engaged the other Susan in conversation about a baby quilt she was working on while she waited.  I overheard him say his wife's name was also Susan.  To top things off, over the loudspeaker system came a request for yet another Susan to go to her office.    Maybe Susans just prefer Subarus.

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