Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Yellow-rumped Warbler


A banner day here.  UPS brought the replacement for the broken item I had to return.  This one was in perfect shape.  It's a pair of stacking bins on rollers.  The first one I bought has the dog food in the bottom and cat food on the top.  This pair of stacking bins has sunflower seeds in the shell on the bottom and sunflower hearts on the top.  No more big open bags sitting around and this removes the temptation for little vermin to come into the house.  Also received a second box of various breakable items - all were intact.  I'm happy.  My leg twinges a little still so decided instead of a long walk to sit out on the deck and let Whip off the leash.  She's off the leash on walks but near the house is unpredictable.  Last month she took off down the driveway, out on the road, and I didn't catch up w/ her until the intersection.  Maybe the training sessions are paying off.  She took off to play in the meadow but would come back periodically to check in w/ me (and get a treat).  Eventually she decided just sitting by my chair was fun too.  Good dog.  I hadn't yet cleaned out the sewer filter.  I try to do it around Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Tonight seemed as good a time as any to complete that chore.  Grabbed the crowbar and walked out to the sewer system  Removed the rabbit statue that stands atop it.  Unlocked the chain across the handle.  Wedged the crowbar in and lifted the heavy concrete top.  Either I've been working out or my physics degree is paying off  'cause it was a pretty easy task this time.  I cleaned the filter, replaced it, replaced the concrete top, locked the chain in place, sat the rabbit back on top, and was done w/ the whole procedure in ten minutes.  What more could you want of a day?

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