Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Color on a foggy morning

I swear I don't understand TV commercials.  There is the series of people bemoaning the fact that they have a car but not enough money to buy insurance so they can drive it.  Then why have the car?  Why not sell it and put that money into a savings program.  There is another series of commercials for people who pay high prices for their prescriptions but if they use a phone app they can find a significantly better price.  Why are drug prices so disparate?  Someone is getting gouged w/ drug prices and I think it's the people that can least afford it.    The presidential ads are farcical - isn't there a law that ads have to be somewhat truthful?  OK.  I'm sure there is a logic to these commercials and I'm just not getting it.   My knowledge of advertising comes entirely from watching episodes of Bewitched.  

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