Sunday, September 20, 2020


On yesterday's walk my left hip suddenly hurt when I walked, my right knee stiffened, and the arch bones on my right foot fell like they were all sprained.  I walked a little slower.  Once we got back in sight of home, Whip decided she didn't have to keep track of me anymore and jumped into the tall grass of the meadow to gloriously follow whatever scents she picked up.  Great.  I sat down on a chair on the deck to wait for her.  She eventually came out of the meadow to ask if I had anything else fun to do.  I didn't.  Gave her a treat once we were back in the house and ran a bath.  Soaked in there for two hours.  Actually I fell asleep but woke up after an hour to run some more hot water and then fell asleep again.  Felt pretty good after that and slept well.  This morning on the constitutional I got the hip twinge again but an Excedrin took the edge off that. I'm guessing if I asked the doc about these various aches she'd say it's arthritis.  I've come to believe once you are over 65, that's the fall back diagnosis from most professionals.  My fall back treatment is to take it easy for a little while and little pains eventually go away.

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