Monday, July 27, 2020

This is how you crack open a seed my son

After finding my phone in some of the most unlikely places, I finally put an alarm on for 9 p.m. every night.   It not only reminds me to pick up my phone but that it's time to be winding things up and get ready for bed.  I was in the study tonight when I heard the alarm.  I got up and went looking for it but couldn't find it.  After a few rings it shuts off and goes to sleep for awhile before the alarm goes off again.  I checked the car (a common place for me to leave it), the to-go table, and the kitchen counter which is covered w/ my current project.  Not there.  I waited for it to ring again.  When it did it was definitely coming from the dining room but only faintly - like it was covered by something. I still couldn't find it before it stopped ringing.  Wasn't sure how many times it would retry the alarm.  Better catch it next time.  I turned off the TV and stationed myself in the middle of the room.  When the alarm went off this time, I realized why the sound was muffled.  It was coming from out on the deck.  I found it joyfully ringing away,  on one of the deck tables.  I must have left it there this afternoon after slumping down in a chair after a walk.  Whip was happy.  Once I'd located the phone, I was free to go on our nightly constitutional.  Whip seems to be understanding that these after-dark walks mean it's time to go to sleep for her too.

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