Friday, July 03, 2020

Pre-4th of July Fireworks

Brother Brent wanted to shoot some fireworks off tonight kinda as a preview for tomorrow's fireworks.  (The town board kindly gave me a permit that goes from July 1 - 7.)  We were a group of seven and it was a great show - just short.  Afterward I sat on the edge of the deck and waited.  Dunder had made one of his escapes outside and hid under the deck where I couldn't reach him.  I checked for him before the start of the show but he wasn't there any more.   So we went ahead w/ the fireworks.  I was a little worried Dunder might be scared by all of the rockets and noise but there he was a half hour later jumping up on the deck wanting to be let in.  As I carried him back inside, I offered to give him to anyone there plus sweeten the deal w/ an extra $500.

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