Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mjolnir table made by Phil

The TV nicknamed 'The Beast' by Phil and Brent has left the building.  My cousin Paul was kind enough to give it to me years ago when he bought a new TV.  'The Beast' was one of the largest TVs  made  w/ a glass TV tube and well over 100 lbs.  I remarked at the time that it was so big that I could see it even w/ my glasses off.  However the picture now has small diagonal lines and wasn't sharp anymore. My brothers decided while they were here it would be a good time to take 'The Beast' to recycling.  They transferred it to the back of my car using a mobile table that Brent had made for the workshop accompanied by some groans on their part.  It was a tight fit sitting in the back of the car w/ maybe an inch to spare.  Another much smaller tube-style TV - a printer - a computer - a modem - a Roomba - and various other broken electronics were packed in alongside.  I took off for the recycling site in Collegetown.  The site manager had me back up to the big garage doors, I lifted the hatch back, and he saw 'The Beast'. Nonplussed by it's size he called over two helpers.  They were tall, lanky, high school kids w/ no visible muscles yet they easily hefted 'The Beast' and  transferred it to a dolly w/ nary a grunt or comment.  Brother Phil said when you see what teenagers can do, you realize how old you are getting.  I felt pretty old.    On the way home I took a mental inventory of my remaining TVs.  They are all hand-me-downs like 'The Beast'.  On the plus side, I can lift any one of them if necessary.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful table!!
Have you all gone shopping for a different TV?


Paul said...

Finally got rid of that thing eh... It actually weighs 154 lbs. Ask Brent about our adventure carrying it up the steps from our basement...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful little table!
Yes, so glad TVs have lost much of their weight these days.