Friday, July 31, 2020


Lots of firsts for Whip.  During breakfast I saw Whip go outside into her run.  She has never opted to do that unless I'm outside too.  It took a rabbit sitting on the lawn nonchalantly chewing a piece of clover to get her out in the run w/o me.   We went on a short walk around Gorgeous Gorge without using the leash!  Of course, another longer walk later on  didn't work quite as well.  When we entered a far field I saw two deer so I clipped on her leash until we were well past them.  I unclipped it but then she found the fetid remains of something (it was too decomposed to tell) and insisted on carrying it for awhile before eating it.  When I caught up w/ her I clipped the lead back on and hoped her stomach was as ironclad as Indy's had been.  Whip rode in the back of the car downtown to the Farmer's Market.  That wasn't a first.  Her throwing up in the back of the car was.  (Maybe something she ate didn't agree w/ her?)  So glad I went w/ the optional rubber insert for the back.  Let Whip run loose while I removed the insert to hose it down.  Heard Whip barking furiously.  I walked around the corner of the house in time to see Dunder running flat out to slip under the deck.  Forgot he'd escaped outside earlier.  Secured Whip inside her run and retrieved Dunder (who was not amused).   The rabbit came back and this time Whip bent the gate on the run outward enough to escape.  (She's a strong little sucker.)  Anyway, with all that excitement we will both sleep well tonight (Dunder too).


Brent said...

Sounds like you will get some excercise with your active pets.

Paul said...

Also sounds like she's feeling more comfortable and enjoying her new friends.