Saturday, June 13, 2020

Last Year's twins (I think)

Last weekend for the Old Time Radio show on Public Radio. Got an e-mail saying it would be discontinued because some of the shows have parts that are sexist or racist.  Actually the sexist content never seemed to bother them before and if there was a racist element the person introducing each show would mention it and put in context for the decade when the show was produced.   I'll be sorry to lose these hours of escape from references to coronavirus, presidential tweets, and whatever else is the latest viral thing.  Plus I rather enjoyed listening to programs from a time when people actually memorized poems (and not because they were lyrics in a song), sacrificed willingly for the war effort, and smart phones weren't ubiquitous.

1 comment:

Brent said...

That's too bad about your radio program. I know you enjoyed listening to the dramas and comedy.