Monday, June 08, 2020

Blitzen and her blanket

Temp in the 80's today.   Fortunately there was a strong wind so I opened the casement windows to catch it and channel it through the house.  The air flow went from the east side of the house to the north evidenced by the balloon I got for the cats.  The balloon floated, trailing it's string, across the  living room, through the study, and flattened itself against my bedroom windows.  I moved it a few times just to watch it make it's way through the house and back to the same place.  Also washed my flannel sheets and beloved electric blanket before storing them in the blanket chest for the rest of the season.  Replaced them w/ the microfiber sheets and laid out a blanket across the end of the bed for nights when it gets a bit cold.  Blitz decided that blanket is her new go-to place for her morning to afternoon nap time. 

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