Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Doe and twins

 By 5:30 a.m. Indy and I had finished our short morning walk.  She'd gotten her treat and the cats had gotten their treats.   (Blitzen had also already upchucked her treats in the middle of the floor).  Time to fill the bird feeders.  I reached for the back door and froze.  There was a deer on the lawn and she had twin fawns w/ her.   The doe was busy getting breakfast but the fawns were checking out the lawn.  They seemed happy to find a place where the grass wasn't as high as they were,  they could walk at ease, and they could see more than a foot in front of them.  Don't know why but the sundial at Ragnarok fascinated them.    The doe walked on off down one of the paths.  I've always wondered if she calls to the fawn to follow.  If she did, I didn't hear it.  Instead I saw the first fawn realize mom was on the move and go trotting after her.  It was a moment after that when the second fawn saw he would be left alone and went at a gallop to catch up.  A cute start to the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fawns seem really curious. Neat pictures!
