Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Ran out of pots?

It started when I decided to lure the goldfinches away from my neighbor's place.  All winter there were no birds at my feeders even though there are a remnant of them that stick around.  Now that it's spring and the goldfinches that went south are back I wanted to see some of them over here.  They prefer my neighbors because they get whole sunflower seeds there plus lots of protective trees surround their place.  My house sits out in the middle of a meadow so no trees.  I decided to put straight sunflower seeds (no shells) in my feeders.   No muss, no fuss, the little birds could just sit and gorge themselves.   Now I have lots of goldfinches (though I suspect they fly back and forth from my neighbor's place to mine).  However, if they get startled they fly off in all directions, including into my dining room windows.  There are no small carcasses on my deck so I assume they don't hit hard enough to hurt themselves but they do leave teeny tiny little yellow feathers stuck to the windows.  Must have had a dozen of them hit the windows this afternoon - I'm not that good at cleaning windows even when they aren't plumed.

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