Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tree Swallow

Indy was standing by my bed a little after 5 this morning.  I figured she wanted to go outside to relieve herself so we padded to the front door together.  I let her out and waited until she came back to be let in.  Then I went back to bed.  I overslept and didn't wake up until 6:55.  Indy has been getting me up early for the last week and it occurred to me today that maybe she's just going by the sun instead of the clock.  Will try to do our morning constitutional when she thinks it's time.  Later in the morning we were outside when I heard a bird sort of chattering to itself.  I know that sound!  Looked over at the bird houses and there was a tree swallow.  His mate was checking out the other house and then they flew off together.  I checked if they had left a wisp of dried grass in either house.  No.  Guess they are still house hunting and not yet ready to do a down payment.

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