Saturday, March 14, 2020

Winterberries in March

Obviously we had a mild winter.  I've never seen winterberries stay on the bush later than Christmas but here it is, almost St. Patrick's Day, and they are still hanging on tight.

Got an e-mail from the town clerk.  She wanted to call a Planning Commission meeting and  asked what days I had free next week.   I replied that I had an appointment to get the car's oil changed, a visit to the Big City, and my usual library duty.  Also wrote I'd be dancing naked in the woods on Friday but figured she wouldn't be planning a meeting after midnight.  She sent back an e-mail, "It will be very chilling to be dancing naked."  She immediately followed it w/ another e-mail.  "Oops ... meant 'chilly'."  Think her first response was probably more to the point.

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