Friday, March 20, 2020


Through this upcoming zodiac year I'll explain how to find each of the astrological signs. It's not that I give astrology any credence, just a fun thing to do. The first sign of the Zodiac is Aries, the ram. People born between March 20th and April 21 have this as their sign. To find it right now, look to the west after sunset. You'll see a very brilliant star which, of course, isn't a star but the planet Venus. Venus is in the constellation Aries right now. Unfortunately, there isn't much to the constellation. The three brightest stars - Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim - aren't that bright and form a bent line. Not much to look at but at least for now it's easy to locate. Aries represents the ram w/ the golden fleece (remember Jason and the Argonauts).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic picture!