Thursday, February 13, 2020

In Mjolnir, contemplating drawer handles

My state's first election for the year is next week.  I was going over instructions from the state for how to count paper ballots.  If a person writes in a name for an office, it is counted even if they didn't fill in the little oval next to the write-in name.  If they also filled in the oval next to a pre-printed name and did a write-in, only the write-in is counted.  If the name written in is not a registered write in candidate it is not counted unless there is no one else running for that office.  A vote for a candidate that has died before the election is always counted unless there is also a write-in.  Then only the name written in is counted - even if they are not a registered write in candidate.  These are the simple rules.  Since for some offices on the ballot the instructions are to 'Vote for no more than two', the instructions on how to handle write-in's get more involved.  I'd prefer every voter use the voting machine.   Then there is no second guessing by the poll workers on what the voter's intent was on ill-marked ballots.   The machine will ensure a voter's write-in is legible plus not allow over votes for any office.  However w/ all of the bad press voting machines have received in the media some people are wary of using them.  (Ours is not connected to the internet or accessible by any wireless communication, automatically produces a back-up physical ballot, and allows the voter to review the backup for accuracy before casting their vote.)  Every poll worker I know is committed to doing their best for the voter.  I don't know if the same can be said of everyone on the ballot.

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