Saturday, January 18, 2020

Library Display - Grade School artwork

Snow fell overnight and I put on my boots for our morning constitutional.  Not so much snow as to make walking difficult but a couple of fluffy inches.  The morning seemed very quiet and dark.  I watched a couple of cars go past.  Their passing was absolutely silent.  Overcast so no stars or moon.  However, it was relatively warm (i.e. temps in the 20's).  I looked around but Indy hadn't followed me.   The outside light from Mjolnir was on and I saw her come around the corner of the house so I walked back.  She had something snow covered hanging from her mouth and in the middle of the driveway proceeded to eat it.  As I got closer I could tell it had been some small creature.  I couldn't believe that Indy, who was at least 15 years old, could have caught something.  While she dined, I followed her tracks around the house and found signs of a struggle out back.  Looked like she actually did catch something and didn't just find it.  Meal consumed Indy followed me into the house w/ a slight limp.  I'm sure she felt pulling a muscle was well worth the hot meal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least she ate it outside 'picnic' style instead of bringing it into the house first! Ha!