Saturday, December 07, 2019

The Webbs

Some people play Candy Crush, Fortnite, or Myst on their computers -  I watch how much the items in my Amazon cart & wish list change price.  Whenever  I check there is a note at the top of the cart w/ which items have changed price.  I've got some 2020 calendars on the list.  They've been jumping upwards.  The autumn decorations I figured would go on sale but they've been holding at the same price.  The bedding items gain some and lose some every few days - for no apparent reason that I can tell.  When an item states there are only a few left in stock, the price jumps up for awhile before settling back down.  I thought there would be more discernible trends but just when I think I understand pricing something happens that I didn't expect.  It's a fun mind game in it's own way.


Brent said...

Thanks for posting the family pictures. Have been enjoying them!

Anonymous said...

Wow. No one is making a goofy face in this pic. Very nice!