Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Decoration - Candle

Book Club, Lego Club, and Boy Scouts meetings at the library.  (Not all at the same time, thankfully.)   Tonight was a busy time at the library.   A lady stopped by w/ her granddaughter and said five of the books she just returned were a day late.  She followed the little girl into the stacks.  I looked at the small pile of books she had left.  They were all from our library.  What the heck.  I backdated the five books to yesterday.  The lady had existing fines already  so when she returned w/ her granddaughter, I let her know that amount which she paid.  I doubt she realized I'd saved her fifty cents.  Does the library know I cheated them out of that book fine?  The answer is no also.  It could be said that I chose to make an executive decision.  However I am neither an executive nor, as a volunteer. is such a decision in my purview.  I'm thinking I just like being a 'bad girl' every so often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the pictures of your Christmas decorations!