Sunday, October 06, 2019


Had to wait until later in the afternoon before the ground had dried out a bit.  Cleaned the sewer filter on the septic system.  I meant to do that on Labor Day but had kept putting it off.  Now that chore was done, I turned off the water to the outside faucet, screwed off the hose, rolled it up, and put that inside for the winter.  Cleaned out two more bird houses.  Put the last of the gas in the mower and mowed the lawn.   As I mowed around the outside of the stockade I saw there was a dead deer inside.  Must have happened this morning.  I'd left the gate open to remind me to mow the garden.  Saw deer inside the stockade early this morning and they'd flipped out when they realized they couldn't jump the fence.  Had seen three of them take off through the open gate.  This one must have not realized there was a fence in back and hit it hard enough to break it's neck.  Tonight the carcass is gone.  Not a great day but glad certain tasks are finished.

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