Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Water and Electricity

The Tuesday after Memorial Day the power company showed up to feed power from the transformer into the new peds. A week ago the electrician had dug down to expose the wire. That ditch was now completely filled w/ water. Little wonder. It had rained all the previous day and when I built my house this area had failed a perk test. The guy from the power company greeted me when he arrived w/ "What glorious weather!" He was being facetious. Bailing water from a trench where water kept seeping back in was positively Sisyphean. I didn't want to watch them do that while fishing for an electrical hose. In addition the power would be shut off to my house while they worked. I took off to do errands and when I got back a little over an hour later, they were gone, trench was back filled, and power was on. No dead bodies that I could see.

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