Monday, June 24, 2019

Almost Enough

I went out in the morning to hang clothes on the line.  The builders were already busy.  They said they would have had everything sided but were a few pieces short.  The contractor had just called up the supplier and extra pieces should arrive later in the day.  I remembered something Phil or Brent had said in passing - that there were still pieces of siding leftover when my house was sided back in 2004.  I knew about where they must be but hadn't really seen them in ages.  I backed the car and garden tractor out of the garage. The contractor and I moved scrap cardboard, wood pieces, sawhorses, and plywood to find some full length pieces stored next to the back wall - enough to finish the garage.  I'd ordered the same color as my original house and, since these pieces had been covered up all of this time, they just needed a little cleaning to make a perfect match.   The builders were happy.  I looked at everything that we had moved out and now had to be tucked back into the existing space.  Yes, I could use another garage.

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