Sunday, May 05, 2019

Ground Squirrel

I didn't get around to repotting all of the old geraniums but I did get them all out on the deck.  Looked ahead in the forecast and I may have to cover them at least once.  I think they actually over-wintered better in the tent I put them in two years ago than in the spare bedroom.  Also checked most of the birdhouses.   Cleaned out three house sparrow nests before any eggs were laid - a good reason for the weekly check.  Washed clothes and put them out on the line to dry.  Recycled my plastic and glass bottles.  Dumped the compostable materials on the garden.  Picked up groceries.  Watered the inside & outside plants.  I'll carry over the repotting to my new list of things-to-do for this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great picture!