Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Gardening Club

My sister Connie is a member of a gardening club.  After a couple of years of giving her t-shirts w/ gardening sayings (she thought one was a bit risque) I thought joining a gardening club myself might be interesting.  Got an e-mail from the local president saying we were getting together to do spring clean-up at the Telephone Office's garden area today. Five people showed but it  took only an hour and a half to finish.  They put me to work on a patch w/ perennials.  They didn't say what kind of flowers to look for but I went to work bushing away leaves and other collected winter detritus. I don't know a lot of cultivated plants but even I recognized sedum and daylilies coming up.  Could be I can get into this gardening gig.


Anonymous said...

Proud of you, sister! It feels good to work in the dirt and see immediate results of your labor.


Anonymous said...

Getting your hands dirty gardening is very therapeutic.
