Thursday, April 18, 2019

Watching for spring

I get my TV via antenna.  Figure I watch too much TV anyway so why would I want to have even more tempting channels.  Every so often, a channel will warn that a rescan day is coming up.  Pretty simple to run an autoscan  but it takes awhile after for the 'dust to settle'.  The latest rescan date was last Friday.  All went well but at night I couldn't get the channel w/ Hogan's Hero's in my bedroom.  It would come in during the day - kinda - but wink out at night.  It would come in on the living room TV -kinda- most of the time.  So I spent this week moving antenna and falling asleep to something educational from the PBS channels.  Could be that the atmosphere has quieted.  Could be that it takes time after moving band widths for a channel to stabilize.  Could be that I've finally found the optimum placement of the 'bunny ears' but today all of the stations come in all of the time - all 19 of them

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