Saturday, April 06, 2019

Land of the Free

Filled in for someone at the library this morning.  I remembered first to pick up the books from the drop-off box and to post-date the check-in date back to Friday.   Something two volunteers a couple of weeks ago forgot to do so I now have a 20 cent fine.  As a volunteer I could make it go away as I would gladly for any patron in similar circumstances.  However, that seems wrong to do it to my own account.  Could pay it.  Think I'll just stew about it for a little while longer.   A lady came in and printed out 30 pages of tax forms - 'tis the season.  A family came in for a meeting w/ someone at the back tables.  Five other people dropped off books and picked up new ones.  In the meantime I found a book that was lost in the stacks.  Finished up one of those special projects from Wednesday and did the usual other duties.  Might have been a slow morning as far as patrons but it was a pleasantly active one for me.

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