Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Election Day

The town's chief elections inspector was taking a vacation.  The deputy chief inspector had just quit.  I'm not sure how it happened but I was picked to fill in as chief inspector.  This election was only non-partisan races - judges, school board, and town officers.  Except for one judge race, all were uncontested.  The weather went from cold but sunny for a short time in the morning, to gusting winds, to rain, back to cold and snow.  All of that should have meant a low turnout day but instead we had a steady stream of people - 1/3 of registered voters voted.  At the end of 13 hours it was time to start shutting down.  Jarita realized her car was stuck in a soft area on the lawn.  She stuck dried weeds behind the wheels hoping that would give them traction.  I bent down at the corner of the bumper to give an extra push.  As the wheel caught it laid down a stream of mud on me from stem to stern - exactly like it happens in slapstick comedies.  The car was free but I was a mess.  I cleaned up enough so I wouldn't dirty the ballots and we finished the counting and paperwork by 10 p.m.  It was an eventful day but I'll remember this last part the most - as I'm sure the rest of the town will when the story gets around.

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