Tuesday, April 16, 2019

100 years ago

 My parents were born in 1919 - 100 years ago this week.  Dad's birth date was last Friday and Mom's this Wednesday.  I couldn't do a Google Doodle to honor them so am doing the next best thing - putting them on my blog.  Celebrating lives well lived.


Anonymous said...

They were cuties! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

I miss them and can still vividly remember their voices.

Anonymous said...

Great parents! Did not know how fortunate we were to have them until I was older.


Brent said...

Thanks for posting our parents pictures. Their birthdays were pretty close together. I remember when they both turned 60, Dad would tell people that he was 60 and Mom was 60 too (two). I don't think Mom always thought it was so funny, ha.