Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Watching the rabbit

I made a apple oven pancake for breakfast and put the apple peels out the back door for the rabbits.  I stopped throwing bird seed out since it attracts the mice, voles, and shrews.  While I don't mind having these creatures in the surrounding meadow, I'd rather not see their fat little vermin bodies pressed between the glass and snow. Midmorning a brown rabbit hopped along the furrow between the house and the top of the drift and stopped to munch.  Both cats ran to the door to stare. They watched so intensely that the cleaning robot knocked into them before they moved.  Dunder did eventually try to attack the rabbit but his potential prey had already determined that the cat couldn't reach him and just kept chewing.  However the robot was a different matter and the bunny took off when it started cleaning next to the door.

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